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[Error] /usr/bin/env ‘python’ no such file or directory

For this error, please try below 3 possible solutions

# Possible Solution 1

You may not install Python yet, please follow below command to install it

sudo apt install python3.7

# Possible Solution 2

You have installed Python3, but "python" command is not equal to "python3" 

Please follow below command to let them equal (Ubuntu 20.04)

sudo apt install python-is-python3

# Possible Solution 3

Symptom is same as  "Possible Solution 2", but OS is Ubuntu 16.04.

Please follow below commands to create a symlink

whereis python3

run above command to get Python and Python3 installed directory\ies

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python

run above command to create a symlink, the /usr/bin/python3 and /usr/bin/python are examples, please instead by the result of "whereis python3" command
