Learning Cocos2D - Install Cocos2D and make first Cocos2D project
7月 09, 2014 山姆
Step1: Download Cocos2D installer from below link
Step2: After installed Cocos2D framework, the Cocos2D template will exist in Xcode.
Press File -> New -> Project.., you will see below figure
Step2: After installed Cocos2D framework, the Cocos2D template will exist in Xcode.
Press File -> New -> Project.., you will see below figure
Step3: Like iOS first simplest application - Hello World; You can follow step4 - Step7 to create your first Cocos2D application without input any code, just using Cocos2D template.
Step4: Continues Step2, select cocos2d as template then press "Next"
Step5: Input Product/Project Name as you want, here i input CCHelloWorld.
Step6: Select project folder then press "Create", the Cocos2D Hello World project will be created as below
Step7: Press "RUN"
Step8: Below pictures are the Cocos2D Hello World screen shot
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